Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Structure of the Accelerator

    3. Live Group Sessions

    4. Weekly Homework & Action Steps

    5. Joining the Community

    6. 1-on-1 Calls

    7. Feedback, Getting in Touch and Questions

    8. Help a Friend?

    1. LIVE COACHING ELEMENTS (1-on-1 Call Booking, Homework Submittal, Live Group Session Submittal & Recordings)

    2. Accelerator Student Database

    3. Plugin Discounts

    4. Samples & Presets

    5. EDM Tips MIDI Pack

    6. Ableton Project Starter Files (Frequently Updated)

    7. Processing Chains for Instant Results

    8. Sharing Your Wins 🙌

    9. Other Useful Online Resources

    1. Goals & Outcomes

    2. Getting the Right Kit

    3. Choosing a DAW

    4. Recommended Plugins

    1. 12 Producer Mindsets

    2. 10 Rookie Mistakes

    3. The Producer Journey

    4. The 8 Skills You Need

    5. The Importance of Referencing

    6. Sound Selection and Sample Packs

    7. What Makes a Great Track

    8. Don't Re-Invent the Wheel

    1. The Flow of Music Production

    2. The Journey of Creating a Track

    3. How to Generate Creativity

    4. Inspiration Playlists

    5. Using DAW Templates

    6. How to Use "Favourites" Folders & Ableton "Collections"

    7. Using the ADSR Sample Manager

    8. Turbo Charge Your Workflow with Splice

    9. Another Option: Loopcloud

    10. The X-Ray Technique – Boss Level Referencing

    11. How to Save, Optimise and Share Ableton Projects

    12. Logic Settings, Tips & Tricks

    1. Homework & Action Steps

    2. Module 1 - QUIZ

    3. (Homework Example) - 6 in-depth Examples

    4. (Homework Example) - Referencing a House Track

    5. (Homework Example) – Referencing a Nu Rave Track

    6. (Homework Example) – Referencing a Trance Track

About this course

  • $4,997.00
  • 314 lessons
  • 64.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today